
New Version Notice - New Edit Method for CustomShape in Masks-Block

In old vertion, you need to key in values to define your special shape, and that is hard to imagine the final profile based on lots of numbers...Therefore, in this new version, we create a real curve in edit window. it will be helpful for you to design the curve you want! Between old and new version, only the edit method is different, but the result will be the same if all settings are the same.



This new function is located in the list of Masks-Block. You can find the CustomShape2 in the Shape Type item.



Below image shows the edit window of CustomShape2.




Other Updating:

In Old version, the axis angle must be started form zero.

In New version, the axis angle can be started form any angle.

News (more)

Novemer 28, 2013
Update Notice

Novemer 11, 2013
Update Notice - Speed Up Output Time

October 30, 2013
Update Notice - Mask Matrix function

October 15, 2013
Update Notice - New Edit Method for CustomeShape in Masks-Block

October 01, 2013
Update Notice - User Define Curve for density adjustment


Installation Guide
Step 1:Quick Start Guide
Step 2:Mask Block
Step 3:Polar Coordinate
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BL Design—Output
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