
New Same Size Output - Fine Grained 3 Release

New Same Size Output-Fine Grained 3 is improved for image and light guide plate output both. For Image output, we modify the dotdistribution method and create multi-segment setting to let shape more vivd!   For light guide plate, new dot distribution makes output result better on high density area than Same Size Output - Fine Grained 2.



Image Mode: Satisify both distinct image and good dot distribution


New Fine Grained 3 uses new dot distribution method. The new method will display mush sharper result than old in the beginning ( before dots re-arrange, when regression count=0).



In New Same Size Output-Fine Grained 3, the density can be separated to 3 segment (user define) and set up different regression counts respectively. That will help you to output a distinct image!


How to set up

Here for example, I want to output a picture with a baby to a dot-distributed image. To discriminate face form background, I check that the density of background around face is <0.19. So 0.19 is set up as the boundary of low and medium density area. Then, I want to highlight the facial feature, and check that skin of face is <0.4. So 0.4 is set as the boundary of the medium and high density area.

Output Result



Light Guide Mode: Improve dot distribution on high density area


News (more)

Novemer 28, 2013
Update Notice

Novemer 11, 2013
Update Notice - Speed Up Output Time

October 30, 2013
Update Notice - Mask Matrix function

October 15, 2013
Update Notice - New Edit Method for CustomeShape in Masks-Block

October 01, 2013
Update Notice - User Define Curve for density adjustment


Installation Guide
Step 1:Quick Start Guide
Step 2:Mask Block
Step 3:Polar Coordinate
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BL Output Example
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BL Design—Output
It's all about Density
Mask-Exclude (keypad) 
Mask-Imge (Lamp design)